Tuesday, March 3, 2009

International Calling Cards Affiliate Programs Review

International Calling Cards Affiliate Programs Review

by Kevin Dark

What do college students, long distance business travelers and truck drivers all have in common? They all use calling cards. Although the advancements in cellular phone technology have given us freedom as we've never known it, the service, no matter what carrier you use, cannot always be depended upon. There are "dead spots", dropped calls and places where your wireless plan may force you to make a call while roaming, incurring additional and unnecessary charges. Hence, the phone card is born! prepaid calling card

Once used as an option only for those who did not have access through their phone company for one reason or another, we now have more companies offering International calling cards affiliate programs than we can count! As the cellular phone has decreased the use of the traditional pay phone and has invariably contributed to its complete extinction, so will the phone card (or calling card) doom long distance carriers the same fate. prepaid calling card

International calling cards affiliate programs consist of a company that recruits others who have web sites to "advertise" for the calling card company on their site. This is done by the website of the recruited individual displaying a link to the calling card company's website. This increases the amount of potential web traffic by "streamlining" from countless other sites. This affiliate program promises to pay a certain amount of commission per sale generated from an affiliate's site. So, if you're looking into fuss-free ways to make money without a huge investment of time or money, being an international calling cards affiliate programs member is a viable option for you. prepaid calling card

The affiliate programs can also work the other way. Keeping in mind the original example, the calling card company can produce the cards and hire an affiliate to actually provide the service for those who purchase a calling card. In this scenario, the revenue is generated on both sides equally. prepaid calling card

There are many benefits to all interested parties in an affiliate situation: the calling card company earns money by selling the cards; the users benefit by experiencing freedom from their long distance carriers rates and additional charges to place a call, and the contracted carrier to provide the phone service is paid by the consumer who uses their services, and up front to boot! prepaid calling card

International calling cards affiliate programs work for everyone. No more waiting in line to use a pay phone at an airport, no more dropped calls or dead spots on your cell, the time and place in no longer the question as to whether or not a call can be placed, it's only the "how" that is left to answer. With these programs, income is limitless and the potential for growth, well, we just don't know, do we? Alexander Graham Bell could not have envisioned the cellular phone in his time! prepaid calling card

The only down side of these affiliate programs is that you are solely at the mercy of the honest merchant; will you truly receive your deserved revenue check? prepaid calling card

There's no way to track who made a purchase as a result of visiting your website and clicking on the link to the calling card company. Other than that, the entire idea is genius!

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