Saturday, April 18, 2009

Types and Facilities of Calling Cards as One of the Telecommunication Service

Types and Facilities of Calling Cards as One of the Telecommunication Services

We have to admit that it has come to be a dire necessity for the people who are traveling abroad, to have calling cards with them. In fact, it is noticeable that carrying calling cards during a long distance travel has become so common that it is no more thought to be something special or extraordinary. Now- a- days, calling cards have proved to be one of the most efficient telecommunication services. Calling cards are generally of three types. These are international calling cards, overseas calling cards and long- distance calling cards. There are, of course, many other types of calling cards, but they are scarcely so much popular as the mentioned calling cards are. It has often been marked that overseas calling cards and international calling cards are mistaken by people as long- distance calling cards. The fact remains that in spite of providing nearly similar features, these calling cards vary from each other in some respects. If you use international calling cards, it will allow you to make international calls while the overseas calling cards will let you make overseas calls. It is to be kept in mind that the call making ends and the call receiving ends have to be located in the same country. Long- distance calling cards will facilitate you with the scope to make local calls, overseas calls and even international calls. Are you pondering about how to avail calling cards? You need not bother much since it is very easy to get calling cards. The popularity of the calling cards as one of the types of telecommunication services has led many companies, including the renowned ones, to provide international calling cards, overseas calling cards and long- distance calling cards. The varieties of the exclusive schemes with which the calling cards are sold, are lucrative enough to make the customers feel interested at once. Apart from the easy availability, there is another positive aspect about the various types of calling cards. The prices that you have to expend for purchasing a calling card, are not high enough to threaten you purse. They are definitely within the easy reach of your budget. Moreover, the competition among the companies to hold the top position results in the reduction of the prices of the calling cards, facilitating the customers a lot. Some of the companies that are renowned for providing the customers with long- distance calling cards at competitive rates are Tel 3, Verizon and AT&T. It will be a wrong notion if the easy availability and the budget prices are thought to be the only advantages of the calling cards. The prime advantage that the calling cards provide the customers is the scope to make a call through any type of phone at any place in the world. What you have to do is to dial the country code, followed by the PIN or the personal identification number and then the particular phone number at which you want to make the call. Instead of visiting the calling card shops, you may go for online bookings of the calling cards. prepaid calling card

Choosing From The Many Calling Cards On The Market

Choosing From The Many Calling Cards On The Market

Calling cards make life simple for many people today. In the past, people were limited to using pay phones to make long distance phone calls, or to making collect calls from their own home phone. Calling cards allow users to put a certain amount of money on a card that enables them to make long distance phone calls whenever they choose. Calling cards resemble credit cards and may be used to either prepay for your service or you can pay as you go. With a standard calling card, you can use the card and the charges for your phone calls will appear on your monthly bill. Many people find that this is a great way to make phone calls when away from home. When choosing a calling card you will need to assess your individual needs before determining which type of card is best for you. Also, consider how much each call will cost when using a standard calling card as opposed to using a prepaid service. You may also choose to purchase calling cards that use a Pin or a Pin Free service. With a pin free service you never need to remember a number to use your card. When using a pin free service, you will register the phone number that you will make calls from. As long as your calls are from the registered phone number, you won't need to enter a pin. This offers great advantages to those who don't like to remember pin numbers. Many calling cards also offer online services. These offer wonderful benefits for those who would like to access their account information online or verify their call history. If this is a concern of yours, consider choosing a calling card that offers an online call history feature. Another feature that you can use with many calling cars is the ability to use speed dial. By accessing your account online, you can store several numbers in your account. Then, when you need to make a phone call with your calling card, simply enter in your speed dial number and your call will be connected. There are many options to choose from when considering calling cards. Make sure that you choose a card that best fits your needs. prepaid calling card

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stop Calling Card Frauds: Take Actions

Stop Calling Card Frauds: Take Actions

If you are a victim of calling cards theft and do not want to repeat the same, make sure that the next time you are taking the necessary steps to stop the frauds from stealing your cards. Every one of us is vulnerable to the theft of important documents while we are traveling. You are also not an exception. Therefore, it is inevitable that you must take good care of your things when you are traveling. To help your card from being compromised to the thieves, given below are some recommendations that you can follow to avoid calling card theft: - Your calling card is a unique way for identifying you as authorized user of the same. Do not use a calling card from a call-sell as it leaves the person with thousands of opportunities to get access to your number. If it is necessary to take out your card every time you have to make a call, there are chances that a caller may forget retrieving the number once a call is completed. It is also possible that the thief can see and memorize the number and use it for unfair means. Therefore, it is best if you can memorize the number yourself and keep away the card safe from public view. - Call sell operators loiter around the places where the possibility of making a call is more using a calling card. They often take down the calling cards number of an unsuspecting, careless person and use the number for their own selfish means. Therefore, be careful about keeping the calling cards from public view and be careful about using your international calling cards. - Operator assisted calls are another opportunity for the frauds to take notice of the calling card number. If you have to verbalize your number, to the operator, make sure that you are not overheard and speak in a normal conversational tone so that no one suspect you of telling an important codes. Then they may eavesdrop at your call. - Do not share your number with anybody else, not even with your dearest colleagues who may need to make "just one call". You are supposed to guard the confidentiality of you calling card number like your Visa and credit card numbers. - There is an important thing that you must remember as you are using international calling cards. No one is authorized to ask you about your calling card number except, of course, for the operator. If there is a call asking for the code of your calling card, do not give away the number, no matter how compelling the argument is. - Do not use your number as an identification document. Remember that once your card is stolen, you are sure to lose a lot of money and communication with the required persons will hamper. You must be very careful about your card so that the cards stay longer with you and serve your purpose of telecommunication. If you are careless, you may have to face the inconvenience, problems of lost calling cards and you will lose a lot of money and your telecommunication ability will be hampered. prepaid calling card

Careful while buying calling cards

Careful while buying calling cards

Prepaid phone cards charge a lot of hidden fee reducing the number of minutes. This article looks at the various hidden fees charged by the phone card companies.
1. Connection fee: This is also known as Access Fee. This should be known to most of the calling card customers. This fee is charged whenever one calls to the destination. This usually varies from 5 cents to 1 dollar. The worst thing that can happen with this connection fee is, when the card buyer makes the call and either the answering machine gives a reply or the call is routed to a voice mailbox. This immediately deducts the connection fee even though the customer has not really uttered even a single word. prepaid calling card

The best option to get over this problem is to choose a card, which has no connection fee. There are a lot of companies, which sell cards without connection fee. Before buying any Calling card, just find out the average rate per minute considering all the costs. This would definitely give a clear idea about the best option. prepaid calling card

2. Service Fee: This is charged pro-rata to the call fee. Usually around the levels of 5 - 15%.

3. Billing increment: Also known as Minutes Rounding. If the company says it has 1 minute rounding, a call of 50 seconds will be charged for 1 minute and 200 seconds will be charged at 4 minutes. This could be a better option among all. The higher the rounding period, the more the customer loses. prepaid calling card
4. Maintenance fee: This is a notorious, hidden fee. This gets charged on the phone card either on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. While buying the phone card itself, the customer should read the fine prints to find if there is a maintenance fee. If at all there is this fee, this card should be chosen only if the customer is going to exhaust the card before the specified period. prepaid calling card
5. Payphones: There are surcharges on the phone cards for the calls made from Payphones.

This will be charged on the customer's phone card irrespective of whether the call goes through or not. prepaid calling card
6. Access Number: The billing also depends on whether one calls a local access dial in number or a toll free number. Usually a caller realizes very less number of minutes if he calls a toll free number. It is advisable calling the local dial-in number as it works out cheaper compared to the toll free number. prepaid calling card
7. Long Talking Fee: Some phone cards charge a long talking fee if the call goes beyond a specified duration. This duration is usually around 20 minutes. It is better to know and
reconnect around this period. prepaid calling card
8. Expiration date: Most of the pre-paid calling cards have an expiration date. There can be
two types of expiration dates. One is the date from which you start using the card and other
one is a General expiration date for the card. One cannot use the card even if he has talk time left after any of these dates. prepaid calling card

Saving money by using Telephone calling cards and prepaid ce

Saving money by using Telephone calling cards and prepaid ce

Telephone calling cards and prepaid cellular offer a viable alternative to traditional long distance calling plans. In fact, long distance prepaid phone cards are the fastest growing segment of the telecommunications industry, with more than 60 percent of Americans having used them, according to the International Prepaid Communications Association (IPCA). prepaid calling card
The market is inundated with companies offering telephone calling cards and prepaid cellular with both domestic and international rates, giving consumers a wide selection. However, it's important when purchasing a prepaid calling card to make sure the calling card company has a solid business reputation and the capabilities to stand behind its products. prepaid calling card

Telephone calling cards and prepaid cellular offer the flexibility and cost savings which consumers today really appreciate. Not only do you save money on all your long distance calls, but you also have the convenience of using it anytime. prepaid calling card

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Calling Cards, Prepaid Phone Cards, Prepaid Calling Cards an

Calling Cards, Prepaid Phone Cards, Prepaid Calling Cards an

You can now save quite a bit of money on your long distance calling simply by using prepaid phone cards. It wasn't too many years ago that making a call overseas or even to an old friend in a neighboring state would be very expensive and even prohibitive. Not anymore! The rates have dropped and now anyone can buy prepaid calling cards that allow access from anywhere prepaid calling card

You can be on a vacation, or in a hotel room and you simply pull out your calling card and dial away. Convenience continues to be a driving force behind the most innovative ideas all across the continent. A calling card is no exception in that it provides easy access to a discount long distance carrier. prepaid calling card

The primary advantage which the prepaid card calling services offer is convenience and flexibility, which accords consumers and business end-users the ability to effectively plan and develop a budget for their monthly long distance calls. prepaid calling card

Free PC to Phone Calls Changing the Dimensions of Communication

Free PC to Phone Calls Changing the Dimensions of Communication

by Nisha Garg

Are you frequently terrified by the nightmare of huge phone bills? In such a case, VoIP can heal you as it works as the panacea to heal all the communication related issues. In fact, this high-end technology came as a breaking news in the telecommunication sector and has hit the headlines at ease. People are very optimistic regarding the positive factors of VoIP. Actually, almost all the telephone users have been smitten by the hefty monthly telephone bills. As such, just an assurance to minimise the monthly telephone bills can be enough to rise the spirits of these people. But, however, it is not an assurance, it is a fact. To access free PC to phone calls, you would just require a computer, a high speed internet connection, a microphone, a sound card and most importantly, a special software. prepaid calling card

Though initially, it took some time but gradually this high-end technology started gaining grounds. People from all over the world are eagerly switching over to the VoIP technology to enjoy free PC to phone calls and save money at ease. With the support of this technology you can can make a call to anybody residing in other part of this globe. As such, free PC to phone are these days enjoyed by people all over the world. You can access such calls in any time of the day. The ultimate technology of VoIP works on the principle of special software which converts human voice into digital data. prepaid calling card

However, to use this technology you would require a special gadget, that is an IP phone. IP basically stands for the Internet Protocol. This high-end technology efficiently transmits the data over the Internet. In such a case, the IP phone has to be connected with the Internet directly. After that, the task of the special software starts. The software basically receives IP data, converts it and sends it back to the Internet. Here the Internet transmit the data to the end user on the other end who is also actually using the IP phone. On the other end, the computer efficiently converts the data into voice data. prepaid calling card

Nowadays, you would find lots of offers and schemes available in the market and that too at very affordable rates. It has been proved that PC to phone calls are actually handled by a special software. You can easily install this software without any hassles. However, there is a reason behind this strategy of offering free calling from PC to phone to the users. These free PC phone calls, are offered by various VoIP service providers. Actually, the cost of the calls are efficiently handled by the revenues which the concerned websites earn form lots of top-notch companies. Actually for the purpose of effective advertising the top renowned companies put the advertisements of their products on the websites of the service providers.

However, in this process, the companies are also benefited. As most of the Internet users are now seeking for avail such high-end services, they frequently browse the websites of such service providers. In this process, the advertisements also get highlighted and come to the notice of the targeted audience. prepaid calling card

Moreover, the special software is also very user friendly. You can easily install it and start accessing PC to phone calling and free phone calls at ease. You just have to grab the best deal available in the market and get the best benefits at ease. Enjoy distant calling at ease and that too without any concerns about money. prepaid calling card

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Free Internet Phone Calls

Free Internet Phone Calls

by Nisha Garg

Have you ever imagined how much money we actually spend to pay our monthly telephone bills. In fact, this is the most irritating thing that we face at the end of every month. To wipe out such issues, various developments have been made. These days, however, we are lucky enough to have access to various high-end technologies which have traced smooth path for communication. Quite interestingly, this arena has also witnessed various developments in the recent days. You can now take the support of various available services to minimise the cost factor. Moreover, most of the service providers are jockeying to hit the list by offering lucrative schemes and offers. prepaid calling card

Now at this stage, the computer no longer needs a introduction. This high-end gadget has totally revolutionised the entire aspect of communication. Not to be forgot the Internet has also been introduced to enhance the communication facilities. As such, faster communication these days are no longer a matter to be pondered up on. Most importantly, if you have an Internet connection then you can also access free internet calls at ease. Actually, the high demand for cheap communication has lead to the development of such high-end technologies. prepaid calling card

The VoIP or the Voice over Internet protocol is further lending a helping hand to this factor. You can easily enjoy the freedom of selecting you preferred service provider and take the benefits of all the lucrative schemes and offers. But yes, you would require a computer, a special software, a microphone, a sound card and most importantly high-speed Internet connection. Moreover, there are many offers available in the market these days which would help you to even access free calls without any hassles. Just research the various products, schemes and offers available in the market before plunging into any deal. However, you must be aware that you must at least pay the minimum rate of the Internet connection. With this technology, you can even enjoy long distance ad international calls and that too at very price tags. with this technology you are not required to compromise both in terms of money and clear quality voice. Offers such as unlimited calling services would further give wings to your communication feature. This technology is rapidly growing grounds due to certain factors. As a user of this high-end technology you can easily send voice, text and files to the concerned person with whom you are talking. prepaid calling card

The special gadget which is used for this purpose is the IP phone. This terminology IP actually stands for Internet Protocol which has the potential to transmit data over the Internet. In this case, the concerned phone needs to be plugged into the Internet directly. Not to forget, a special software is required to receive the IP data which actually converts the data and then efficiently sends back to the Internet. Now the Internet starts to work and transfers the data to the other end i.e., to the end user who is also using the IP phone. In a similar manner, the computer on the other end converts the data into voice data and the circle of connection takes its toll. prepaid calling card

Keeping in mind the varied communication requirements of the people, various websites have come to the forefront to offer free internet calls and free phone calls etc. These lucrative offers are beneficial to both the customers and the service providers. Quite interestingly, these days most of the business concerns are also switching over to this technology. Like for instance, if a business establishment has various branch offices in various parts of the country such high-end technology would obviously add more profit. prepaid calling card

How to Make Free or Cheap Internet Phone Calls

How to Make Free or Cheap Internet Phone Calls

by Gen Wright

It looks unbelievable but it's true. You can now make internet phone calls that are free or cost next to nothing. That is achievable because of the growth of technology - namely, the Internet. First, let's understand how making phone calls on the Internet possible.

The Internet transfers data using the Internet protocol (IP). All data, in its digital format are transferred from one point to another location either via wires and cables, or over a wireless network. Data that is sent over the Internet is divided into packets. Any attempt to send or receive data on the Internet is an attempt to send or receive these packets. A high quality connection means that you are able to send and receive packets smoothly and quickly without losses. However, sometimes we may get a flaky connection. That means packets are lost in the transferring process. Some part of data that we are meant to receive or some data that we sent is lost. prepaid calling card

Fortunately, as the Internet infrastructure all over world improves, this is very uncommon.

To connect to the Internet, you will need a modem and a router. The modem allows you to connect to an internet provider. A router is necessary because it allows the network to identify you, so that you can send and receive data packets. Without it, the packets wouldn't know where to go. prepaid calling card

Obviously, to make an internet phone call, you need an Internet connection. That means you should be plugged in with the equipment mentioned above. Your personal computer or laptop can be connected to the Internet with a LAN (local area network) cable, or a wireless adapter (if you have a wireless router). prepaid calling card

Once you are connected to the Internet, you will get some special software. This program can be easily obtained from your Internet phone service provider, or downloaded for free from the Internet. Good example of such a software is X-Lite. Or, if you don't want to use your computer and program, you can get a special piece of equipment commonly known as the IP phone device (e.g. inksys PAP2). This phone is plugged into your router, and you should be able to use it like a normal phone. prepaid calling card

With the special hardware or software installed, you can make and receive local or international phone calls. Commonly, if you are calling someone on the same network as you, you do not have to pay a single cent. You just paying when making a phone call to someone who is on a different VoIP network, or when calling to a land line. Even then, the rates incurred are noticeably cheaper than traditional international phone calls made via land lines. prepaid calling card

Internet phone calls can be free or really cheap because transferring data over the Internet is cheap. As the infrastructure continues to grow, the cost of high quality Internet connections happen to be cheaper. prepaid calling card

For the buyer point of view, this is great news because now, buyers have other alternatives to pick from when making international phone calls. Widespread competition has also driven prices southwards. All in all, these factors have contributed to making internet phone calls free, or highly affordable. prepaid calling card

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Free International Calls: Make Free Phone Calls To Family and Friends Around the World

Free International Calls: Make Free Phone Calls To Family and Friends Around the World

by Nisha Garg

The global presence of jobs and businesses is now a fact which is clear to everyone living on this wonderful planet called earth. Human beings are now staying in different locations of the world for periods of time which are far more than normal and hence the need to talk to their loved ones specially is one which is gaining an increasing amount of prominence.

Hence the father who is staying in Durban needs to know about the well being of his son who is working in the island of Hawai. Earlier the method that would be there for him was the process of making an international call with the help of a traditional connection. This was quite unsatisfactory on both sides due to the thought of the rising amount featured in the bill of making an international call. The option that is there for the user (or the father to take) is quite a peaceful one in the possibility of being able to make free calls and that too free international calls. Hence the father can now talk for a period of time that he desires without having to worry about the money. The money is in fact now an entity which is no longer a part of international calling. prepaid calling card

The dominating reason for this is the utilisation of the VoIP technology and the associated free service of the service providers who are engaged in giving this facility to the general public. This technology has created the chance of absolute advancement both in terms of the quality of sound as well as in the feature of the call being free. prepaid calling card

Free international calling is now a feature that is present for every user to take regardless of his economic or financial position. The benefits that are a standard part of this new process are being used by many human beings all over the world and hence the result is the presence of many smiles on the faces of many satisfied customers at each and every corner of the world. Human beings are taking the maximum possible advantages of free calling and hence the number of VoIP service providers is growing at a stormy pace due to the dynamic need which is never still and is constantly increasing. prepaid calling card

Hence the person who is interested in making free calls has to go 'surfing' on the internet and hence visit various websites of the service providers. He can therefore check out the different types of offers that are being provided and hence select the best one for him according to his needs. The nest step that he needs to take is to register on that website and download the required software. These websites follow the process of email activation. In this process the account of the user is activated as soon as he goes to a link provided on the email informing him that his registration is successful. prepaid calling card

The simplicity which is hence the overall soul of the process involved in being able to make free calls is quite fantastic. The importance of this underlying simplicity is evident from the increase in the number of customers and hence the resulting prosperity of the businesses of the VoIP service providers. prepaid calling card

Hence international calls are now vested with the positive attribute of being free and this has resulted in the increase in the number of calls that are being made. The business is on the rise with the increase in the number of customers and the total communication domain has undergone a complete change in this respect. The feature of making free international calls is therefore now quite a frequent one and hence the future too is quite bright for people who want to stay in touch with people (that they care for) living in international locations. Free calls are hence quite responsible for satisfying the needs of the customers both emotionally and also financially. prepaid calling card

Free Internet Calls: Let Words Come on Your Lips

Free Internet Calls: Let Words Come on Your Lips

by Nisha Garg

The process of making free calls has now become quite real due to the use of a new technology in communication which is known as VoIP. Voice over Internet Protocol is therefore responsible for the dream to assume the garb of reality. prepaid calling card

The common man is now given the opportunity to make free calls to anywhere in the world and the money that is generated as the cost for the calls made is 'zero'. The business prospects have therefore grown with the increase in the number of people who are expressing their intent of taking the advantages of this technology and hence VoIP service providers are doing quite well both in the local as well as in the global scenario.

The major feature of internet calls is therefore the cost factor which is a non-existent and hence is therefore quite attractive. There are many reasons behind this, however one of the basic reason is the process of online advertising. It is now a known fact that most of the businesses in the world have an online aspect as well and hence the service providers are also vested with this feature, in fact they are completely web based in the form of being available as websites. The high degree of desire leads to a huge number of hits on these websites and therefore these are quite effective places to put up advertisements. Due to the fact that the major amount of the revenue for VoIP service provider websites is generated from the companies who are holding these advertisements and therefore the money that is charged for making an international call is not required to be paid by the user of VoIP services. The user is hence able to make free calls without the worry of having to pay any type of payment at all and hence each and every day the service providers see an increase in the number of human beings who are applying for the benefits of VoIP enabled communication.

The things that are needed for making a free call are also devoid of the feature of being annoying due to their overlying simplicity. The basic software that is needed to avail of the services of VoIP is available in most of the websites which provide this latest marvel in the world of communication. This software can therefore be downloaded on the PC and the person only needs to register with the website for getting started with the process of making free internet calls. prepaid calling card

The computer is not the only medium for making internet calls as the normal phone is also able to make use of the process of the services that area feature of the technology of VoIP. A normal phone, when fitted with an ATA (analogue telephone adaptor) is able to make free internet calls along with the help of a modem. There are also standard VoIP phones which already come fitted with the required technology and hence multiple options are present for the user to take when he wants to make free calls. prepaid calling card

Internet is now a medium which is being frequently used for the purpose of communication and is hence serving another wonderful purpose other than the basic one of providing information. The technology of VoIP is now being used all over the world and is therefore successful in assuming a global presence. Hence the interest to understand the actual working of this process is quite understandable and hence the next paragraph focuses on the interesting topic of the working of VoIP. prepaid calling card

Hence the basic method which involved is the modification of human voice into digital signals. These signals are then sent across the internet and through the physical medium of fibre optics to the respective destinations. This is a simple attempt to give an overview of VoIP and hence the user is able to gain the attraction of this wonderful technology in a better way when he starts to make free calls. prepaid calling card

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Free Internet Calls: A Thought Discussed on a Phone For Free

Free Internet Calls: A Thought Discussed on a Phone For Free

by Nisha Garg

The Red Indians sent smoke signals to communicate among themselves and the soldiers used Morse code during the WWI. However, the golden day when a wonderful person and a marvellous inventor called Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, bought with it not only a sunny morning but a new way to communicate. Since then telephone lines have been an integral part of the human life and has created an identity of its own.

Another major event took place when the internet was bought into the communication sphere by the English scientist Timothy Berners Lee and since then the world of communication has never been the conventional one that is normally associated with communication mediums. Many events have taken place which have introduced new technologies as well as new concepts altogether. prepaid calling card

The ability now to use the features of a telephone via the medium of the internet is one of the events mentioned before in the earlier paragraph. Hence a person can now make a call over the internet to another person. Internet calls are therefore now one of the basic tools being used to stay in touch with friends and relatives with national and international borders no longer serving as hindrances in the way of remaining in touch. prepaid calling card

The dominant technology behind this has been VoIP which is a completely new entry in the field of technologies which are being used for communication. Voice over IP or Voice over Internet Protocol is a tool which now has made it possible for a person to make phone calls using the internet as a medium for transmission. This can happen both with the personal computer as well as a normal phone as both of them only require the necessary technology and also an internet connection. Hence users can now make internet calls with a phone (with an ATA(Analogue Telephone Adaptor)) or a PC with the required software. Another option exists in the form of a VoIP phone which has the required technology already installed in it. prepaid calling card

There is yet another interesting feature associated with this new feature of internet calls and this is the possibility of making free calls where the user can make calls to any location without the need to pay any sort or form of money. This is therefore an attractive new prospect which gives the user to make free internet calls and therefore have a great time doing it given the fact that they have all basic facilities and also additional facilities as well.

VoIP has therefore created a new field of communication with wonderful business prospects as well. This can be explained from the fact that whenever users visit any one of the service provider websites then he will encounter lots of online advertisements either as blinkers or a pop ups. The VoIP service provider websites are perhaps some of the best websites in terms of the number of hits that they receive and are therefore logical as well as good places to put advertisements in. the revenue generated from these companies (they of course can't put their advertisements for free) is used to handle the costs of the calls that are made and this is how the user is able to get completely free internet calls. But the chance for conducting excellent product promotions by putting related advertisements on the VoIP gives the companies a reason to spent the money and hence the system works both ways by increasing the product awareness for the company and generating revenue for the website.

Internet calls are therefore are also utilised by entire organisations for various business reasons and hence VoIP service providers also have another separate target customer group in the form of these organisations. Business is not only dwelling for the service providers but is also on the rise with the emergence of developing countries both in terms of economy and financial capability. prepaid calling card