Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stop Calling Card Frauds: Take Actions

Stop Calling Card Frauds: Take Actions

If you are a victim of calling cards theft and do not want to repeat the same, make sure that the next time you are taking the necessary steps to stop the frauds from stealing your cards. Every one of us is vulnerable to the theft of important documents while we are traveling. You are also not an exception. Therefore, it is inevitable that you must take good care of your things when you are traveling. To help your card from being compromised to the thieves, given below are some recommendations that you can follow to avoid calling card theft: - Your calling card is a unique way for identifying you as authorized user of the same. Do not use a calling card from a call-sell as it leaves the person with thousands of opportunities to get access to your number. If it is necessary to take out your card every time you have to make a call, there are chances that a caller may forget retrieving the number once a call is completed. It is also possible that the thief can see and memorize the number and use it for unfair means. Therefore, it is best if you can memorize the number yourself and keep away the card safe from public view. - Call sell operators loiter around the places where the possibility of making a call is more using a calling card. They often take down the calling cards number of an unsuspecting, careless person and use the number for their own selfish means. Therefore, be careful about keeping the calling cards from public view and be careful about using your international calling cards. - Operator assisted calls are another opportunity for the frauds to take notice of the calling card number. If you have to verbalize your number, to the operator, make sure that you are not overheard and speak in a normal conversational tone so that no one suspect you of telling an important codes. Then they may eavesdrop at your call. - Do not share your number with anybody else, not even with your dearest colleagues who may need to make "just one call". You are supposed to guard the confidentiality of you calling card number like your Visa and credit card numbers. - There is an important thing that you must remember as you are using international calling cards. No one is authorized to ask you about your calling card number except, of course, for the operator. If there is a call asking for the code of your calling card, do not give away the number, no matter how compelling the argument is. - Do not use your number as an identification document. Remember that once your card is stolen, you are sure to lose a lot of money and communication with the required persons will hamper. You must be very careful about your card so that the cards stay longer with you and serve your purpose of telecommunication. If you are careless, you may have to face the inconvenience, problems of lost calling cards and you will lose a lot of money and your telecommunication ability will be hampered. prepaid calling card

1 comment:

  1. I have a Regions Bank Now card. If there are Regions branches near you, this card is by far the best. There are no monthly fees if you have direct deposit.

    Which Prepaid Card
